Sunday, April 19, 2015

oh my ' ME' TIME...

Hi !! The thought to pen my thoughts has come again after a long time...thoughts triggered after
          .... a line I read
          ,.... news from across continents
          .....something sweet told by my kids
          .....and of course daily tidbits from my children's school..( is a huge topic let me reserve that for later ) ..

So many ideas and views ,slowly weaving itself into a blog .. but always inside my head, never on paper... who has got the time...?

When I am mom, who has  got the time...?
When I have a career to attend to  , who has got the time ...?
When I have project deadlines to meet, presentations to prepare, teams to monitor , who has got the time ....?
When I need to take care of the cooking , who has got the time....?
When I need to take care of elders , who has got the time....?
When I have to clean the house ,arrange books shelves and clothes umpteen times, whose got the time....?

Of course ' I ' wont have time....because the ' I ' am a mother, or a father , or employee , or boss or any human being ,who spends every waking hour tolling for the family or for work.....The ' I ' will never have time....

This is not to debate whether the time constraints of a daily routine are vested more with the women or men....this blog is dedicated to every individual who can relate to this... who deny themselves a time of their own and worse,feel guilty when they do so or who pathetically, are mentally lazy to do so,.

My personal view is that ,self-health care is one of the essential duties of parents towards their children. Parents falling ill , can be very damaging towards the kids.. and what is so wrong in taking care of one's health , especially in today's sedentary lifestyle... but something is definitely wrong , because am seeing so many parents , spending no time on basic health care like eating nutritious food or working out enough......have even heard of cases , where women are not allowed to work out in a gym because they happen to be a woman.... ( !! )

and this does not come from carelessness but from a thought that there is no time....

It comes from not wanting to break away from the daily routine, we drag ourselves through...
It comes from wanting to finish the next job at home or office rather than walk for half an hour....
It comes from feeling guilty about spending 30 minutes for ourselves, when we rather fold the clothes, or get the ready for the next meal .
It comes from mental fatigue of not wanting to do anything.

Time will never be there unless you  create it .....and you believe you deserve it.

      From not having time for basic health care, it spirals to,not having time for something we enjoy doing or are passionate about. Stuck to our accustomed routine, sometimes its a mammoth effort to break away from it and take a dip into waters that have not been ventured into before. May be getting 30 minutes a day for your self , might seem colossal but will getting 30 minutes a week seem difficult ? It just takes second of rational thinking and resolution to get some ' ME ' time.

Recently I came across this quote " Those who succeed focus on what they do and those who don't spend time giving excuses'. This created a huge impact on me.
      Along with health care, taking on some thing which would uplift your spirits, will have a positive cascading effect across your rest of your day and relationships. Every one goes through some sort , frustration which in most cases, is  inbuilt, only if we have the time to reflect on it.  A happier you would deal better with your world  rather than a burdened you

Your ' ME ' time   would be moments of self reflection or a time to tide over  detrimental feelings like anger , low esteem, lost confidence etc.

When there is time to eat, sleep, watch  TV, time to whatsapp and connect across facebook to post every meal cooked and every movie watched , why not some ' ME' time ??
Also, only if you take your time seriously will the world take it seriously.

  These days, there is a never a dearth of real life stories, of people who rose from nothing,to live larger than life and I am sure there is no debate, that it was their own attitude that uplifted them.

Indulging  yourself in any activity which you are passionate about ,would be a rejuvenation for your spirits. For those in the fast rat race of life , this time would serve to be  precious moments, where we can pause to embrace and appreciate life for what it is rather than see it as a burden to be dragged around.

You need not build empires immediately, but carve out your "ME ' time to start with ..

After all I am writing , Aren't I ?? :-))



Anonymous said...

How many times we started and stopped...
ME thing is good. Rather it has to be embedded in our way of life. Our Grandma @92 never got the ME time, yet cheerful now...its all in the mind i guess.If the way of life is enjoyable, then no dedicated ME time is required in my opinion. Indulge and do everything in daily activities, this can be sustained...

Sujatha said...

Very nice view Suresh :-) Something which I need to update my blog with . If we are fully involved in what we do how better human beings we would be !!

Sreeanand said...

Good one AS. And gradually the way you take different roles into consideration what one plays in his / her life is nice.
Best part is being neutral to both the genders and not as a fanatic glorifying a particular gender / sector of people.

As we were discussing, I'm happy that I've made a good start. From my experience and this article, as an addon I would like
people to identify the time stealers, especially for those who say they don't have time.

For ex,

1.during a coffee watching adhithya TV costs me 30-40 mts ( ideal coffee break is 10 mts), another 30-40 during / dinner or both, which mounts to 90-120 minutes.

2. / F.Book groups / messages eats away just like that an hour, either costing our productivity at office or my sleep.

3. People who keep on waning in the pretext of having us a reliable shoulder. I would like to be that way for people who would like to move on and not for who put on their weight completely on me and pull me down as well. Let it be at home / friends / office.

4. Travel time. In my prev Orgn, I used the travel time in office bus for my prayers / to some good books.

5. Speak when needed instead of gossiping.

And could you see how we can channelize our time effectively. Not only we do it, our kids watch us doing it and they learn automatically.

Sujatha said...

You have listed the time stealers so well Sreeanand. Sorry for the late reply. If we can identify the time stealers in our daily life , the world would have so many more achievers and less excuses.

Thrilled, excited,joyful etc.

Years roll by and I guess all of us at one stage think, I should have done this. When we are in our twenties, that seems ok because we feel...